Keywords: the estimated characteristics, the index of orientation, the effective range, the ratio of axial concentration, optimization of the distribution of sound
UDC 681.3.06
This paper discusses the shortcomings of the evaluation characteristics of loudspeakers used in sound (speech) broadcast systems, describes the main parameters and features of use, presents shortcomings. An example of calculating the sound pressure level, taking into account the characteristics of the direction of the source, and the effective range of the sound pressure. It is proved that the value of the directivity index (IN) is due to additional divergences at high frequencies and will differ sharply from the practically measured ones. It is revealed that in the case of open areas sounding, the radiation pattern (DN) of horn loudspeakers is most convenient to represent (approximate) ellipses, in which 2 parameters are relevant – the SHDN and the effective range. The studies show that in cases of finding the parameter IN, for practical use it is necessary to use the parameter called the width of the radiation pat-tern – SHDN. This makes it possible to determine the minimum (optimal) power of the horn speakers to ensure maximum efficiency of the open area and determine the optimal angle of rotation.
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Keywords: the estimated characteristics, the index of orientation, the effective range, the ratio of axial concentration, optimization of the distribution of sound
For citation: Kochnov O.V. , Kochegarov A.V. , Maltsev A.S. , Babkin S.A. , Konchakov S.A. , MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE ASSESSMENT OF SOUND DIS-TRIBUTION BY HANDS. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2019;13(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2019