Keywords: innovations, pedagogical innovation, innovative processes, digital technologies, informatization of education, digitalization of education, online courses, information educational environment
UDC 37.012
In the realities of the modern world, in the light of the events related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process has become very relevant. Digital technologies today open up new opportunities, such as studying at any convenient time, continuing education, the possibility of choosing an online course. The digital environment requires computer literacy from teachers, the ability to apply new technological tools in the educational process.
Keywords: innovations, pedagogical innovation, innovative processes, digital technologies, informatization of education, digitalization of education, online courses, information educational environment
For citation: Butuzov V.S. , Butuzova M.V. , INNOVATION IN PEDAGOGY. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2021;15(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2021