Keywords: oscillations, two-massmecanical system, motion, period
UDC 534.1
The paper analyzes the characteristics of oscillations of a two-mass mechanical system. A diagram of changes in kinetic and potential energy is given. A comparison is made with the oscillations made by a mathematical pendulum. The oscillation frequency of a two-mass system is determined. The dependence of the oscillation frequency on the ratio between the masses for some values of the distances at which the loads are located is found.
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Keywords: oscillations, two-massmecanical system, motion, period
For citation: Kozlova D.N. , Preobrazhenskiy A.P. , Shunulina V.V. , THE STUDY OF OSCILLATIONS IN TWO-MASS MECHANICAL SYSTEM. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2023;17(3). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 31.07.2023
Revised 21.09.2023
Published 30.09.2023