Keywords: boundary value problems, a priori estimation, loaded equations, difference scheme, pseudo-parabolic equation, moisture transfer equation, aller equation, caputo fractional derivative
UDC 517.95
In this paper, a boundary value problem for a mixed-type equation is considered and a lemma is given for solving the problem, which is then used to prove the stability of the difference model constructed for this boundary value problem. Difference schemes for differential problems are constructed. By the method of energy inequalities, a priori estimates of solutions to the problems under consideration in differential and difference interpretations are derived. The obtained a priori estimates imply uniqueness, stability of the solution according to the initial data and the right side, as well as convergence of the solution of the difference problem to the solution of the corresponding differential problem at a rate equal to the order of approximation error.
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Keywords: boundary value problems, a priori estimation, loaded equations, difference scheme, pseudo-parabolic equation, moisture transfer equation, aller equation, caputo fractional derivative
For citation: Garbuzov V.V. , Shabrov S.A. , A PRIORI ESTIMATES OF THE SOLUTION OF THE BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2022;16(1). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2022