Keywords: horizontally and vertically polarized waves, propagation of radio waves, energy transfer, means of mathematical support
Means of mathematical support for procedures for analyzing the processes of propagation of horizontally and vertically polarized waves in cellular communication systems
UDC 621.396.67
Modern cellular communication systems, as a result of their active development, require detailed study of their structure at the stage of design decisions. An important feature is the analysis and modeling of cellular communication systems both at the topological level and at the physical level, that is, at the level of electromagnetic interaction. Topological modeling allows you to analyze the cellular communication system from the point of view of a distributed system, and provide answers to the questions of optimal placement of cellular communications. This approach is necessary, but not sufficient, since it is necessary to consider the physical basis of the propagation of electromagnetic components, for this purpose the concept of a propagation path is introduced, and the reflection coefficients of signals (waves) on the considered path are analyzed.
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Keywords: horizontally and vertically polarized waves, propagation of radio waves, energy transfer, means of mathematical support
For citation: Kireev I.S. , Zubarev I.V. , Burkovsky V.L. , Panina A.I. , Means of mathematical support for procedures for analyzing the processes of propagation of horizontally and vertically polarized waves in cellular communication systems. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2024;18(1). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 11.03.2024
Revised 19.03.2024
Published 31.03.2024