Keywords: physical education, persons with disabilities, the federal state educational standard, adaptive physical education, adaptive physical education
UDC 796.011.3
The article considers the features of the organization of physical education teaching for people with disabilities in a higher educational institution. The relevance today remains the peculiarity of training people with disabilities from the position of legal acts in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the activities of universities. The article substantiates the importance of an integrated approach to the organization of training for people with disabilities, as well as the need to introduce adaptive educational programs and forms, methods in the learning process within the framework of physical education. According to the data of 2019, annually about 14% of those admitted to educational institutions of higher professional education have a special medical group, based on the diagnoses made, as well as those with the status of “person with disabilities” (HIA) and “disabled person”. In terms of educational aspect, this status means persons with physical and (or) mental disabilities that impede the development of educational programs without creating special conditions for education. The procedure for organizing physical education training for people with disabilities is regulated by Federal Law No. 329-ФЗ dated December 4, 2007 “On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented), Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 -FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law of June 2, 1999 “On the education of persons with disabilities (special education)”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 19.12.2013 No. 1367 “On approval of the Organization and Implementation educational activities in educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialty programs, master's programs ”, federal state educational standards of higher education, local regulations of universities.
1. Федеральный закон № 329-ФЗ от 4 декабря 2007 г. «О физической культуре и спорте в Российской Федерации» (с изменениями и дополнениями).
2. Федеральный закон от 29 декабря 2012 г. N 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации».
3. Федеральный закон от 2 июня 1999 года «Об образовании лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (специальном образовании)».
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6. Волкова М. А. Особенности и перспективы нормативно-правового регулирования спорта и физической реабилитации инвалидов и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья / М. А. Волкова, Л. Б. Ситдикова // Современное право. – 2018. – № 3. – С. 38-41.
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Keywords: physical education, persons with disabilities, the federal state educational standard, adaptive physical education, adaptive physical education
For citation: Salopin C.M. , Kashparova Y.A. , ORGANIZATION OF PHYSICAL CULTURE TRAINING FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN A MODERN UNIVERSITY. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2020;14(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2020