Keywords: professional self-determination, labor market, competitiveness, professional choice
UDC 378.1
The article is devoted to the problem of professional self-determination of youth as the most important fact of its successful self-realization in the labor market. The complex of objective and subjective cir-cumstances that determine the relevance of this problem is given. Analyzed the difficulties experienced by young people on the path of professional self-determination. Based on the monitoring of profession-al self-determination, graduates of general educational institutions draw conclusions about poor pro-fessional orientation towards the presence of parts of senior pupils who make it difficult to assess their professional and significant abilities and needs of the labor market. To this end, priority tools and measures have been proposed aimed at organizing the management of the process of professional self-determination, taking into account quantitative and qualitative regional needs for qualified personnel.
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2. Конкурентоспособность молодежи на рынке труда: монография / О. А. Колесникова, А. М. Донецкий, А. В. Звездинская, Н. А. Бебнева. – Воронеж. Изд-во «Научная книга», 2012.
3. Колесникова, О. А. Выбери профессию / О. А. Колесникова, Т. И. Полосина, А. М. Донецкий. – Жуковский. Изд-во «ПК Сервис», 2002.
4. Колесникова, О. А. Возможности профессиональной самореализации выпускников вузов: социологический анализ / О. А. Колесникова // Сборник «Наука и православие: стратегии развития». – 2017. – С. 70-73.
5. Звездинская, А. В. О конкурентоспособности молодежи на рынке труда / А. В. Звездинская, О. А. Колесникова // Вестник Воронеж. гос. ун-та. Сер. Экономика и управление. – 2011. – № 2. – С. 153-157.
Keywords: professional self-determination, labor market, competitiveness, professional choice
For citation: Kolesnikova O.A. , PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION OF YOUTH: ANALYSIS OF CONDITION AND WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2018;12(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2018