Keywords: state Employment Service, employment management, stages of the formation of market relations, evolution of the development of the employment service
UDC 613.334
Preparing to celebrate the 30-th anniversary of the creation of the state employment service for the population of Russia, it is appropriate to recall that the past years are stages of a long journey, when the most complex mechanism for mitigating unemployment was created and then successfully functioned in the country, which nevertheless periodically flares up, as it is now , and always remains one of the most dangerous social threats to the working person. Having traveled a path of three decades, we can summarize some of the results and, with a certain degree of confidence, outline promising approaches to the development of the employment service in Russia in modern conditions.
1. Закон РФ «О занятости населения в Российской Федерации» от 19.04.1991. №1032-1-ФЗ.
2. Региональный рынок труда: особенности формирования и регулирования. Учебник / под ред. О.А. Колесниковой, И.Я. Львовича. – Воронеж, 2016.
3. Похвощев В.А. Формирование эффективности занятости в период становления регулируемой рыночной экономики / В.А. Похвощев. – М.: СПБ, 1996.
4. Сборник материалов. К заседанию круглого стола на тему: «Федеральный закон «О занятости населения в Российской Феде-рации»: 20 лет с момента принятия». – Тверь: СКФ-офис, 2010.-236 с.
Keywords: state Employment Service, employment management, stages of the formation of market relations, evolution of the development of the employment service
For citation: Kolesnikova O.A. , EMPLOYMENT SERVICE: HISTORY OF CREATION, EVOLUTION OF DEVELOPMENT. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2020;14(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2020