Вестник Воронежского Института Высоких технологий | Главная страница
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Online media
ISSN 2949-4443

Scientific JOURNAL «Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies»

A multidisciplinary scientific journal that publishes scientific reviews, topical articles and papers on applied research issues in the following fields: natural science, system modeling, information systems and technologies, management in social and economic systems, current problems of economics, legal and social issues of modern society.

We invite authors to publish their articles in the scientific journal “Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies”.
The journal is included in Russian Science Citation Index (RINC) and publicly available on eLibrary.ru – a scientific electronic library

The main sections of the journal:

  • Natural science
  • System modeling
  • Information systems and technologies
  • Education issues
  • Management in social and economic systems
  • Current problems of economics

The article is considered published immediately after posting on the Website.

ПЛАТА ЗА публикацию 420 руб. / страница, в том числе НДС

The network format of the journal and the principle of open access allows for the widest reach of readers and authors, which contributes to a high level of citation of published articles.
Articles received by the editors are published after peer review by members of the Editorial Board and external (independent) reviewers who are experts in the relevant fields.
Each article is available as a separate individual file on the Internet and has its own unique URL. Pagination begins with the first page.Pagination begins with the first page.
After the next issue publication (4 issues per year), the articles are posted on the Elibrary platform. Elibrary.
All articles are checked using the Anti-plagiarism system (in accordance with the contract with ZAO Anti-plagiat).
Full open access to publications is provided. "VIHT Bulletin" does not have a paper version.