Keywords: improving training, physical activities, exercise,
UDC 796.5.074.5
The article is devoted to fitness training, which is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, strengthening the immune system, increasing the level of physical condition, which determines the features of fitness training and requires an appropriate selection of training loads, training methods and tools.
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2. Евстафьев, Б. В. Анализ основных понятий в теории физической культуры / Б. В. Евстафьев. – Л.: ВИФК. 1985. – 118 с.
3. Лисицын, Ю. П. Теоретико-методологические проблемы концепции общественного здоровья / Ю. П. Лисицын // Общественные науки и здравоохранение. – М.: Наука, 1987. – С. 48-62.
Keywords: improving training, physical activities, exercise,
For citation: Grigoreva I.V. , Volkova E.G. , Fomina U.G. , STRUCTURE OF HEALTH TRAINING. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2019;13(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2019