Keywords: physical culture, health, physical exercises, physical activity, musculoskeletal system
UDC 796.011
The health of the spine largely determines the health of the whole organism as a whole. It is the support of our entire body and a structure that supports all internal organs in the correct comfortable position. To maintain the normal condition of the spine and its speedy recovery after injuries, it is necessary to exert proper and regular physical activity on it. Physical culture is an effective means of preventing the development of diseases of the spine and one of the essential components of the treatment of existing disorders.
1. Волкова Е. Г. Роль физической культуры в укреплении здоровья студентов / Е. Г. Волкова, И. В. Григорьева, Е. Н. Петров // Вестник Воронежского института высоких технологий. – 2020. – № 1 (32). – С. 65-67.
2. Григорьева И. В. Спорт и социальная активность личности / И В. Григорьева, Е. Г. Волкова // Моделирование систем и информационные технологии: сборник научных трудов. – 2010. – Вып. 7. – С. 364-366.
Keywords: physical culture, health, physical exercises, physical activity, musculoskeletal system
For citation: Grigoreva I.V. , Plotnikov A.A. , Volkova E.G. , PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN DISEASES SPINE. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2022;16(3). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2022