Keywords: self-control, physical culture, health, physical exercises, physical activity
UDC 796.011
Of great practical importance for those involved in physical culture and sports is self-control. It disciplines, instills the skills of introspection, makes the work of a doctor, coach and teacher more efficient, and has a positive effect on the growth of sports achievements. Self-control trains a person and helps him to evaluate changes in his functional state in a timely manner and build his behavior on the basis of subjective forecasts and some objective indicators.
1. Волкова Е. Г. Рекреационная деятельность студенческой молодежи [Текст] / Е. Г. Волкова, Д. С. Григорьев, И. В. Григорьева // Вестник Воронежского института высоких технологий. – 2018. – № 2 (25). – С. 154-156.
2. Волкова Е. Г. Роль физической культуры в укреплении здоровья студентов / Е. Г. Волкова, И. В. Григорьева, Е. Н. Петров // Вестник Воронежского института высоких технологий. – 2020. – № 1 (32). – С. 65-67.
Keywords: self-control, physical culture, health, physical exercises, physical activity
For citation: Grigoreva I.V. , Volkova E.G. , Alehina O.V. , SELF-CONTROL FOR PHYSICAL CULTURE PARTICIPANTS. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2022;16(3). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2022