Keywords: mathematical simulation, diffraction, electrodynamical object,
UDC 621.396
In this paper the authors consider the main features of using the parallel approaches in analyzing the problems of estimating of electrodynamical characteristics for diffraction structures by using the approaches of the physical optics technique. The particularities of methodological approaches for combined algorithm are stressed. The computer application was developed when we consider main steps of algorithm.
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Keywords: mathematical simulation, diffraction, electrodynamical object,
For citation: Lvovich Y.E. , Lvovich I.Y. , Preobrazhenskiy A.P. , Choporov O.N. , THE USE OF PARALLEL COMPUTING FOR PROBLEMS OF SCATTERING RADIOWAVES. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2018;12(2). Available from: .
Published 30.06.2018