Keywords: telecommuting, high-speed means of transmitting data, the forecast for the development of telecommuting, the law on peculiarities of regulation of labor of remote employees, the criteria for classifying RA-employee remotely busy
UDC 316.342.6
In the article an attempt is made to assess the status of remote employment in the Russian Federation and identify the reasons for its poor dissemination. The authors ' proposals aimed at deepening this process, attracting structures that contribute to its optimization. The features of the mentality of Russians that influence the formation of remote employment are shown.
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9. Remote employment in Russia: forecasts and reality.
Keywords: telecommuting, high-speed means of transmitting data, the forecast for the development of telecommuting, the law on peculiarities of regulation of labor of remote employees, the criteria for classifying RA-employee remotely busy
For citation: Kolesnikova O.A. , Donetsky A.M. , Zvezdinskaya A.V. , REMOTE EMPLOYMENT IN RUSSIA: FORECASTING AND REALITY. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2018;12(1). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2018