Keywords: information system, information search, search activity, pertinence, relevance, user model, cognitive process, intellectual activity
UDC 681.3
The activity of the user on the search for information-significant objects for solving the task as-signed to him is considered. To formalize this activity, the apparatus of set theory was used. Mathematical models of the formulation of the request, the analysis of documents in the issue and the selection of information objects for solving the problem posed to the user are given. In addition, models have been developed in the aspect of the user's intellectual activity and cognitive processes. The results of experimental research with such search engines as Google, Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo are presented. To assess the effectiveness of information retrieval, the found documents are divided into pertinent, relevant and irrelevant. Search efficiency is determined by the ratio of the number of pertinent and relevant documents to the number of all documents in the search results. It is proposed to take into account the information characteristics of search engines with an appropriate coefficient.
Keywords: information system, information search, search activity, pertinence, relevance, user model, cognitive process, intellectual activity
For citation: Zaitsev D.L. , Zelenina A.N. , FORMAL PRESENTATION OF USERS 'ACTIVITIES WITH IDENTIFICATION OF INFORMATION-SIGNIFICANT OBJECTS. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2021;15(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2021