Keywords: healthy lifestyle, physical culture, health, exercise, physical activity
UDC 796.011
Health is a priceless condition not only of the whole society, but also of every person. Human health largely depends on lifestyle. A rational attitude to the problem involves considering the issue of human health and a healthy lifestyle in connection with the idea of a holistic unity of the body, soul and spirit, with an adequate hierarchy of natural-material and spiritual-moral values. A healthy lifestyle should be understood as typical forms and methods of daily human activity that strengthen and improve the body's reserve capabilities. A healthy lifestyle depends on a conscious and responsible attitude of a person to his health and the health of his surrounding people and is part of life goals and value orientations.
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2. Гетт Е. А. Определение динамики физической подготовленности студентов вуза на занятиях по физической культуре / Е. А. Гетт // Обучение и воспитание: методики и практика. – Москва. – 2013. – № 10. – С. 127-128.
3. Григорьева И. В. Спорт и социальная активность личности / И. В. Григорьева, Е. Г. Волкова // Моделирование систем и информационные технологии: сборник научных трудов. Вып. 7. – Воронеж, 2010. – С. 364-366.
Keywords: healthy lifestyle, physical culture, health, exercise, physical activity
For citation: Grigoreva I.V. , Plotnikov A.A. , Volkova E.G. , HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IS ONE OF HUMAN VALUES. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2022;16(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2022