Keywords: data monitoring, potential fault detection system, autonomous power supply facility, deep neural ensemble
Algorithmization of the data monitoring process at autonomous power supply facilities in conditions of predicting potential failures based on a homogeneous deep neural ensemble
UDC 681.514
Currently used intelligent monitoring systems often do not have the functions of predicting the state of the system in real time. This article explores the concept of a monitoring system based on the use of a neural ensemble, which can be used to predict potential malfunctions occurring at autonomous power supply facilities.
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Keywords: data monitoring, potential fault detection system, autonomous power supply facility, deep neural ensemble
For citation: Karpukhin D.N. , Burkovsky V.L. , Algorithmization of the data monitoring process at autonomous power supply facilities in conditions of predicting potential failures based on a homogeneous deep neural ensemble. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2024;18(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 23.06.2024
Revised 26.06.2024
Published 30.06.2024