Keywords: chemical kinetics, concentrations and pressures of reacting substances, chemical reaction rate constant, activation energy, digestibility of the material
Features of teaching chemical kinetics
UDC 37
Improving the digestibility of the material in chemical kinetics is based on an integrated approach in explaining the material. First, it is necessary to introduce the basic concepts and consider the dependence of the reaction rate on various factors. Then explain how the reaction rate is related to the activation energy. Accompanying the explanation with various production examples improves the perception and assimilation of the material.
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5. Семенова Е.В. Рекомендации по изучению принципа Ле-Шателье / Е.В. Семенова // Вестник Воронежского института высоких технологий. – 2022. – Т. 16. – № 4 (43). – С. 13-15.
Keywords: chemical kinetics, concentrations and pressures of reacting substances, chemical reaction rate constant, activation energy, digestibility of the material
For citation: Semenova E.V. , Features of teaching chemical kinetics. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2024;18(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 06.06.2024
Revised 11.06.2024
Published 30.06.2024