Keywords: image of the organization, competitiveness of the organization, competitive advantages,
Influence of an organization’s image on its competitiveness
UDC 338
Currently, the image of an organization is a key area influencing the competitive advantages of modern business. Moreover, in the conditions of developing markets and growing turbulence in the external and internal environment, it is the image that makes it possible to stabilize the state of the organization. Thus, it allows you to form the identity of an enterprise, distinguish it from similar ones, attract and retain consumers, which has a positive impact on financial results. The article reveals the relationship between image and competitiveness, systematizes the areas within which image can significantly improve the competitive position of an organization.
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Keywords: image of the organization, competitiveness of the organization, competitive advantages,
For citation: Zaryanova N.E. , Prokhorova O.K. , Influence of an organization’s image on its competitiveness. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2024;18(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 24.04.2024
Revised 26.04.2024
Published 30.06.2024