Keywords: inventory management, system, systems approach, inventory management system
Content of the Inventory Management System at an Enterprise
UDC 658.787.2
The article is dedicated to revealing the essence and content of the concept of inventory management based on the principles of a systems approach. Based on data about systemic processes and commonly accepted definitions of inventory management, the paper formulates a complete definition of the inventory management system. The systems approach proposed in the work allows for the formalization of the main processes, functions, principles, methods, and connections associated with inventory management.
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Keywords: inventory management, system, systems approach, inventory management system
For citation: Stepchenkov A.D. , Zelenina A.N. , Content of the Inventory Management System at an Enterprise. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2023;17(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 29.12.2023
Revised 29.12.2023
Published 31.12.2023