Keywords: financial services, credit institution, population, accessibility, digitalization, financial literacy, protection of rights
Promising directions for increasing the accessibility of financial services for the population of the Russian Federation
UDC 336.02
The article discusses the main directions for increasing the accessibility of financial services for the population of the Russian Federation, both those already implemented within the framework of the Strategy for Increasing Financial Inclusion and future ones. Population groups that require special attention are identified, and areas of work to improve the accessibility of financial services are proposed for them; the conditions for the effectiveness of measures in accordance with the expected risks are described.
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Keywords: financial services, credit institution, population, accessibility, digitalization, financial literacy, protection of rights
For citation: Korotaev M.A. , Zozulya V.P. , Promising directions for increasing the accessibility of financial services for the population of the Russian Federation. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2023;17(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 22.12.2023
Revised 22.12.2023
Published 31.12.2023