Keywords: assignment problem, multi-index problem, open problem, problem with invalid assignments, linear programming, «greedy» algorithms
Analysis and programmatic implementation of open multi-index task on appointments with prohibitions
UDC 519.85
The task of picking up a mobile complex with the optimal composition of equipment for servicing facilities is being considered. A mathematical model of the problem is proposed. The model is classified as a multi-index open problem on values with inhibitions. Methods of modifying the problem to a linear model are proposed, which allow to find a solution to the given optimization problem. To implement the calculation of the mate model, a solution method based on «greedy» algorithms is proposed. Proposed algorithm is implemented in the form of software application showing reliability of obtained results, versatility and high resistance to change of input data.
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Keywords: assignment problem, multi-index problem, open problem, problem with invalid assignments, linear programming, «greedy» algorithms
For citation: Shipilova E.A. , Ignatov D.V. , Ignatov N.D. , Analysis and programmatic implementation of open multi-index task on appointments with prohibitions. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2023;17(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 13.10.2023
Revised 18.10.2023
Published 31.12.2023