Keywords: competitive advantage, human capital, human potential, strategic human resource management
UDC 331
In the modern economy, organizations value the importance of human capital as a factor in the success of an enterprise to a greater extent than equipment or premises. The concept of human capital is formed from such categories as health, knowledge, qualifications, professional, creative and cultural experience. Human capital in entrepreneurship is determined by a number of factors: education, the desire for continuous professional development, the possession and replenishment of professional skills and abilities, physical and socio-psychological health. The article considers human capital as one of the most important factors in the competitive advantage of organizations.
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Keywords: competitive advantage, human capital, human potential, strategic human resource management
For citation: Prokhorova О.K. , Mogunov I.V. , HUMAN CAPITAL AS A SOURCE OF SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF THE ORGANIZATION. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2022;16(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2022