Keywords: endurance, students, distance, special endurance, training, running, training process, intensity
UDC 371.72
This topic highlights the close relationship between physical qualities such as speed and endurance. Based on the developed training method, the special endurance of students and middle-distance runners increases. It is advisable to plan the training according to a special method, distributing it by groups of exercises and by zones of intensity. The division into groups is in good agreement with the physiological interpretation of the development of anaerobic-aerobic capabilities of the body.
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Keywords: endurance, students, distance, special endurance, training, running, training process, intensity
For citation: Timofeeva S.N. , Schneider M.I. , ANALYSIS OF SPECIAL ENDURANCE OF STUDENTS AND MIDDLE-DISTANCE RUNNERS. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2020;14(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2020