Keywords: management of the enterprise innovative development, assessment of innovative ideas, use of screening and scoring technologies,
UDC 658.589
Management of innovative development by means of the project office organization. Application of benchmarking in the process of monitoring enterprises that effectively solve the issues of their innovative development in pursuit of the most viable ideas to implement. The use of screening technologies for innovative ideas filtering in order to reveal the ones that might be appropriate for their introduction in enterprises. The use of scoring technologies for a comprehensive assessment of the innovative projects with in-parallel balancing of their implementation according to basic parameters (execution period, availability of required resources, including financial, physical, human ones, etc.).
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2. Жемчугов М. К. Инновационный подход к сбалансированной системе показа-телей / М. К. Жемчугов // Российское пред-принимательство. – 2010. – № 2.
3. Харгадон Э. Управление инновация-ми. Опыт ведущих компаний / Э. Харгадон. – М.: «Вильямс», 2017.
Keywords: management of the enterprise innovative development, assessment of innovative ideas, use of screening and scoring technologies,
For citation: Nersesyan E.A. , Prokhorova O.K. , Vorontsov R.O. , RELEVANT ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2020;14(3). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2020