Keywords: sakhalin island, travel, penal servitude, exile, prison, chekhov humanism
UDC 821.161.1.09
The article analyzes the unique work of A. P. Chekhov “Sakhalin Island”: the purpose and reasons for the writer’s trip to Sakhalin, problems, ideological and compositional originality and artistic features. Attention is drawn to the special Chekhov humanism that underlies his work, and the role that the book played in the fate of the writer and society.
1. Чехов А. П. Полное собрание сочи-нений и писем в тридцати томах. Сочинения в восемнадцати томах. Т. 14-15. Из Сибири. Остров Сахалин. (1890-1995). – М.: Наука, 1987.
2. Чехов А. П. Письма: В 10 т. – М., 1976. – Т. 4.– С. 32.
3. Чехов М. П. Антон Чехов и его сюжеты. — М., 1923. – С. 69.
4. Бердников Г. Чехов. – М., 1974. – С. 250.
5. Сухих Ц. Н. Проблемы поэтики А. П. Чехова. – Л., 1987. – С. 95.
Keywords: sakhalin island, travel, penal servitude, exile, prison, chekhov humanism
For citation: Savchenko V.V. , «SAKHALIN ISLAND» IN THE CREATIVE FATE OF A.P. CHEKHOV. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2019;13(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2019