Keywords: monitoring, self-monitoring, training process, training tools, function tests, tests
UDC 79
The article analyzes the role of keeping a journal of sportsmen for a better development of the training process. It also provides some techniques and self-monitoring methods concerning changes in health condition, physical and functional development of students and offers samples and tests with a high de-gree of informative capacity and simplicity of use. But the main value of this work is that the authors recommend a certain scheme of keeping the journal, which has been tested for many years of practical work with athletes and proved its efficiency as quite effective and reliable. Keeping the journal according to the scheme provided by the authors allows you to record the physical activity quickly, compactly and with a high degree of visibility and also to moni-tor changes occurring in the student’s body. All this gives possibility to teachers, coaches and athletes to modify the training process, while achieving the best results.
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Keywords: monitoring, self-monitoring, training process, training tools, function tests, tests
For citation: Chaikin V.V. , Popova N.Y. , SELF-MONITIRING JOURNAL FOR SPORTSMEN. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2019;13(3). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.09.2019