Keywords: autocracy, despotism, absolute monarchy,
UDC 321
The article discusses the traditions of Russian political power by the example of the formation of Russian autocracy. The transformation of ideas the volumes and limits of the rules power in different historical periods is shows. The factors of the transition from the despotic from to absolute monarchy, principles of relations within the ruling class are analyzed.
1. Кобрин, В. Б. Становление деспотического самодержавия в Средневековой Руси (К постановке проблемы) / В. Б. Кобрин, А. Л. Юрганов // История СССР. – 1991. – № 4. – С. 54-64.
2. Никон (Патриарх). Труды / Сост. и общ. ред. В. В. Шмидта. – М.: Из-во Моск. ун-та, 2004. – 1264.
3. Послания Ивана Грозного. – М-Л: Из-во Академии наук СССР, 1950.
4. Устав воинский Петра I // Полное собрание законов Российской империи. – СПб., 1830. – Т. V. 1713-1719. – № 3006. – С. 203-425.
Keywords: autocracy, despotism, absolute monarchy,
For citation: Bozhko N.V. , THE TRADITION OF POLITICAL POWER IN RUSSIA. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2019;13(1). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2019