Keywords: professional foreign language teaching, a specialized textbook, foreign language communicative professionally oriented competence, multilevel foreign language learning/teaching system
UDC 372.881.1
The article deals with the problem of creating professional foreign language textbooks in the system of higher education. The functions of foreign language textbooks for specific purposes are analyzed, the common criteria for text material selecting are revealed, and the textbook «English in Radiocommunications» is thoroughly described by the authors. The article gives coverage to the methodological peculiarities of the developed textbook as well as to the advantages of its using in educational process. The authors examine basic linguistic and extra-linguistic factors imposing some challenges to selecting text material for a specialized foreign language textbook along with main problems while forming a textbook structure. The paper treats a question concerning the textbook content providing the simultaneous development of a foreign language communicative competence among students with different levels of training without the lesson integrity violation.
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5. Федорова Н. Ю. Технология разработки профессионально ориентированного учебного пособия по иностранному языку для студентов гуманитарных специальностей: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.02 / Н. Ю. Федорова. – Санкт-Петербург, 2014. – 24 с.
Keywords: professional foreign language teaching, a specialized textbook, foreign language communicative professionally oriented competence, multilevel foreign language learning/teaching system
For citation: Choporova E.I. , Serostanova N.N. , PECULIARITIES OF WORKING OUT PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED MANUALS ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING FOR SPECIALISTS IN ENGINEERING. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2018;12(1). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2018