Keywords: corporate training, ed-tech market, LMS platforms, e-learning, digital methods of corporate training
Innovations in the training & development
UDC 331.108.45+658.336
The corporate training market in the post-pandemic period continues to demonstrate stable growth, and the development of technologies creates new opportunities and approaches for personnel training. The article discusses the features of the use of digital educational technologies in organizational training. The directions of implementation of new educational technologies in companies are outlined, the advantages of digitalization that affect the increase in the level of personnel competencies are identified.
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Keywords: corporate training, ed-tech market, LMS platforms, e-learning, digital methods of corporate training
For citation: Prokhorova O.K. , Innovations in the training & development. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2024;18(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Received 09.11.2024
Revised 21.11.2024
Published 31.12.2024