Keywords: developing software systems, component life cycle, iterative approach,
UDC 004.054
The article considers the issues of optimal design of composts of software systems based on consideration of their dynamic properties, i.e. taking into account the time factors of development and modernization of these components in the development of their software systems. The main basic components of the strategy of creating such systems are outlined, which consists in achieving the maximum economic effect from an individual component of the system (service). To assess the quality of the architecture of the system, a number of macroindicators are introduced. The life cycle of the system component and the boundary conditions for its termination are determined. A generalized algorithm for constructing an evolving software system and its components is given.
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2. Рындин, А. А. Особенности разработки развивающихся программных систем / А. А. Рындин, С. В. Сапегин // Вестник Воронежского государственного технического универсистета. – 2010. – Т. 10. – № 5. – С. 5-8.
3. Рындин, А. А. Многовариантная интеграция: теория и приложения в САПР: монография / А. А. Рындин. – Воронеж, издательство «Кварта». 2018. – 362 с.
4. Making a Formal Case for the Development of Components of Modern Enterprise Information System. Indian Journal of Science and Technology / A. Ryndin, S. Sapegin. C. 10-15.
Keywords: developing software systems, component life cycle, iterative approach,
For citation: Ryndin N.А. , Sapegin S.V. , RATIONAL DESIGN OF COMPONENTS DEVELOPING SOFTWARE SYSTEMS BASED ON ACCOUNTING THEIR DYNAMIC PROPERTIES. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2018;12(4). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2018