Keywords: girls, physical development, functional training, types of fitness, physical culture
UDC 378
Physical education classes affect all aspects of students ' life. They contribute not only to physical health, but are a form of leisure, a means of developing a healthy personality. In this regard, the use of various tools in physical education classes should be organically combined with a deep study of the interests of students. When testing, we used a set of types of exercises that girls can do to make their figure beautiful and toned. This is, first of all, the fact that different types of loads alternate, complement each other, and make up some harmonious connections that make the body beautiful, strong, and hardy.
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Keywords: girls, physical development, functional training, types of fitness, physical culture
For citation: Khlyupina E.G. , Smetanina Y.M. , THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR GIRLS OF STUDENT AGE. Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. 2020;14(2). Available from: (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2020