Scientific Journal Bulletin Of The Voronezh Institute Of High Technologies |About
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ISSN 2949-4443


Scientific journal "Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies" (VIHT Bulletin) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published since 2007. The journal is published four times a year (March, June, September, December). Starting from 2023, it is distributed as an online media; from 2007 to 2022 – a periodical print publication. Articles published in the journal are recognized as publications of principal scientific results of competitors for scientific degrees of science’s doctor and candidate in Russia and abroad. Full open access to publications is provided. The journal accepts articles in Russian and English previously not published anywhere and not submitted for publication in other editions.


Yakov E. Lvovich

Yakov E. Lvovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

WoS | Scopus | ORCID | RSCI

Scientific and pedagogical experience – since 1970

Education, academic degrees, and academic titles

1968 – Specialist’s Degree: Voronezh Polytechnic Institute, specialization: Automatics and Telemechanics
1974 – Candidate of Technical Sciences: Voronezh Polytechnic Institute
1976 – Academic Title: Associate Professor
1984 – Doctor of Technical Sciences: Scientific and Production Association Kybernetica (Uz NPO Kybernetica) of Uzbek SSR Science Academy, field of study: 05.13.01 Engineering cybernetics and information theory, under the new classifier – System analysis, management, and processing of information, doctoral dissertation: “Synthesis and optimization of technological systems with varying structure on the basis of multi-alternative aggregation principles”
1985 – Academic title: Professor

Research interests

Mathematical modeling and multi-alternative optimization of complex systems

Codes and names of the scientific fields in accordance with the State rubricator of scientific and technical information

20.01.04 – Informatization of society. Information Policies
20.01.07 – Theory and methodology of informatics
27.37 – Variational calculus and mathematical theory of optimal control
28.15 – Theory of automatic systems control
28.17.19 – Mathematical modeling
28.19.15 – Optimal systems
28.29 – System analysis
50.03 – Automatic control theory
50.51 – Computer-aided engineering

28 doctoral and more than 80 candidate dissertations have been defended under the supervision of Yakov E. Lvovich

Author of more than 800 research papers and educational materials

H-index RSCI: 33
Number of citations (in Russian Science Citation Index - RSCI): 4902

Editor of chief of the scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technologies (included in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission)

Member of the editorial boards of the following journals:
System analysis and management in biomedical systems (included in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission)
Information technologies (included in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission)
Management systems and information technologies (included in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission)

Proceedings of Voronezh Institute of High Technologies

Member of the following dissertation councils
Fields of study
05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and software complexes
05.13.19 Methods and systems of data protection, information security
Fields of study
05.13.10 Management in social and economic systems
05.13.11 Mathematical and software support for computing machines, complexes, and computer systems
05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and software complexes

Achievements and awards
1990 – Chief Informatization Designer of the Voronezh region
1993 – Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
1997 – Honorary Title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”
2000 – Honorary badge of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences “For Merits”, Yuri Gagarin Medal
2001-2008 – Head of the Main Education Office of the Voronezh region
2002 – Honorary badge “Honored worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation”
2004 – Laureate title of the Voronezh region Golden Fund
2007 – A medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", Class 2
2015 – Certificate of Merit awarded by the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh region
2017 – Certificate of Merit awarded by the Voronezh region Government
2021 – Honorary badge awarded by the Voronezh region Government “Gratitude from the Voronezh land”

Currently – Deputy chairman of the board of Association of private educational institutions of higher education and professional educational organizations of Russia (ANVUZ Russia), member of the Council of University Rectors in the Voronezh region

Editorial board

    Deputy chief editor:

  • Oleg N. Choporov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Members of the Editorial Board:

  • Karina N. Brosova, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences (Voronezh, Russian Federation)
  • Aleksandr A. Voronov, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Elena Y. Gafanovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor (Saratov, Russia)
  • Olga A. Kolesnikova, Doctor of Economic Scinces, Professor (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Vera N. Kostrova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Anna V. Linkina (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Viktor I. Novoseltsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Aleksandr A. Plotnikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Andrei P. Preobrazhenskii, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Iurii P. Preobrazhenskii, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Konstantin A. Razinkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Ekaterina I. Choporova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Olessya A. Yuchshenko, PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences) (Voronezh, Russia)
  • Zoran Chekerevac, Professor (Belgrade, Serbia)



The purpose of the magazine:

  • communicating the results of scientific, applied and experimental research to a wider public,
  • developing interuniversity integration.

Goals of the journal:

  • developing scientific and innovational aspects of the university environment and promoting the main achievements of contemporary science;
  • fostering the application of scientific research results and ideas;
  • revealing the scientific potential;
  • encouraging young scientists to take part in scholarly endeavors.

The scientific journal "Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies" provides direct open access to its content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to an increase in global knowledge sharing. Journal materials are available under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NS 4.0)

The network format of the journal and the free access policy allow providing the widest reach of readers and authors, which contributes to the high level of citation of published articles.


Publications in the journal "Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies" are included in the systems of calculating citation indices for authors and journals.

The journal is indexed in the following systems and catalogues:
  • Russian Science Citation Index is a bibliographic database accumulating information on publications of Russian scientists in Russian and foreign scientific journals. It has been developed since 2005 by the Scientific Electronic Library
  • Google Scholar is a freely accessible Web search engine that specifically indexes the full text of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The Google Academy Index includes most peer-reviewed online journals in Europe and America by major academic publishers.

Peer review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published. Independent researchers in the relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity and significance to help editors determine whether a manuscript should be published in the journal.

  • Authors submit articles to the Editorial Board of the journal in accordance with the Rules for Authors on manuscripts submission for publication in a scientific journal.
    Before preparation of application and sending documents to the editors, authors should carefully study the rules of preparation of the papers and other documents required by the publisher.
  • All the manuscripts are registered and assigned to the editors for internal peer review, including verification of compliance with the subject of the publication and submission requirements. If the article does not meet the qualification criteria for scientific texts, and a peer review revealed significant shortcomings in the content of the article, its linguistic style and arrangement, the editors send the author a reasoned refusal pointing out errors and omissions.
  • All articles accepted for consideration undergo mandatory single-blind peer review. The tasks of reviewers include assessing the novelty and scientific significance of the work, the reliability of the research results, the content of the manuscript and the way of presentation, the correspondence of the manuscript title and abstract to its content, the identification of published works related to the research topic, which were not, but, in the opinion of the reviewer, should have been mentioned in the manuscript.
    Members of the editorial board as well as external experts working in the scientific fields relevant to the topic of the article and not having obvious conflicts of interest with the authors of the work are involved in the review process. The reviewer is notified of the fact that the article is the intellectual property of the author. It is not allowed to disclose or otherwise use the content of the article before its publication. The review period is from 7 to 30 days from the moment the article is accepted for consideration; and it can be extended at the request of the reviewer.
  • The review points to:

    • correspondence of the article to the subject of the journal;
    • compliance of the title, abstract and keywords with the content of the article;
    • relevance of the topic;
    • relevance force in the introduction;
    • statement of goals and objectives;
    • clarity of presentation of the main material;
    • originality, reliability and practicability of the results;
    • scientific novelty;
    • statement of specific main results of the work and their relevance to the tasks;
    • presence of conclusions;
    • characteristics of the used literature sources (sufficiency, compliance with the subject of the studied subject area, modernity of the sources and their compliance with the world's best practices);
    • comments on the article (if any).
  • The review can be composed in free format or on the basis of a template proposed by the editors. In the second case, a binary assessment system for evaluation of the listed characteristics of the article is used.

    In case of a negative estimate for certain items, the reviewer is to provide comments or validate the decision.

  • Conclusive statement of a reviewer is defined according to one of the options:

    • the article is recommended for publication (in the absence of any comments);
    • the article is recommended for publication after elimination of the deficiencies noted by the reviewer;
    • the article requires revision in accordance with the above comments and re-review (if there are substantive comments);
    • the article is rejected.
  • If the review contains recommendations for accuracy and clarity improvement, the editorial board notifies the author providing the text of the review with comments and questions with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the paper or refute them reasonably (partially or completely). Finalization of the article should not take more than one month from the moment of a notification of the author about the need to make changes. The article finalized by the author is resubmitted for review.
  • In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned answer to the editorial board of the journal. The article can be submitted for re-review or for approval by the editorial board.
  • In case of refusal of the authors to finalize the materials, they must notify the editors in writing or orally about their refusal to publish the article. If the authors do not return the revised version after three months from the date of sending the review, the editors remove it from the register. In such cases, the author is notified of the removal of the article from the register due to the expiration of the time allotted for revision.
  • After the peer-review manuscripts are approved by the chief editor (or deputy chief editor), and, if necessary, at a meeting of the editorial board.
  • Manuscripts selected for publication are edited by the editorial board to improve accuracy and clarity to the required editorial standards adopted within the journal. Editor's alterations are consistent with the authors.
  • The article is published in the current issue of the journal.
  • The originals of reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 3 years. The editors undertake to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon the corresponding request.

The editors of the journal "Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies" adheres to the principles and requirements of the following organizations:
АAssociation of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI)
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

  • Rights and Responsibilities of the Publisher

    The editors of the journal are fully responsible for any published material and compliance with ethical principles in relation to:
    • readers of the journal;
    • authors of articles;
    • organizations sponsoring research and publications;
    • reviewers of publications.
    Responsibilities of Editors to Readers
    • рthe editorial board guarantees that the information published in the journal is reliable and unbiased;
    • the editors provide readers with information about the authors of materials published in the journal and about the institutions where the study was conducted;
    • the editorial office considers complaints from readers regarding materials published in the journal and informs about the measures taken;
    • when found appropriate, the editors send readers clarifications or apologies;
    • в случае необходимости редакция отправляет читателям уточнения или извинения;
    • in case of errors, the editorial board takes measures to correct or eliminate them.
    Responsibilities of Editors to Authors
    • the editorial board has the right to accept or reject articles for publication in the journal, based on the opinion of reviewers on its relevance, originality, reliability of the information contained in the article, and its compliance with the journal’s theme and the principles of editorial ethics adopted in the journal;
    • peer review is carried out in accordance with the procedure for reviewing articles adopted by the editorial board;
    • the decision of the editorial board is executed in writing and may be provided to the author for information purposes upon request;
    • the members of the editorial board are not interested in accepting or rejecting the article, if a member of the editorial board abuses his position, this person is suspended from work in the editorial office, and the author presents apologies in writing;
    • the articles are accepted only if there are sufficient facts in favor of acceptance for publication and are rejected only if there are sufficient facts for its rejection;
    • the authors are notified of the reasons for rejection of articles and receive recommendations on article improvement;
    • the authors are given the opportunity to appeal the editorial decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the article;
    • рthe authors are provided with information on the rules for the preparation and submission of articles for publication on the journal website;
    • the editors ensure compliance with copyright when considering applications for publication
    • the editors have the right to withdraw a published article in case of disclosure of facts that violate the journal publishing ethics guidelines in the view of the editor.
    Responsibilities of Editors to Organizations Sponsoring Research and Publications
    • the editors are obliged to publish information about organizations sponsoring the research or publication.
    Responsibilities of Editors to Reviewers
    • the editors are obliged to publish information about organizations sponsoring the study or publication;
    • the editors provide reviewers with guidelines for drawing conclusions on publications and a list of questions that the reviewer is to answer in the article reviewing process
    • the guidelines for drawing conclusions in the article reviewing process are written in the Review section on the journal website
    • the editors ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the work of reviewers, timely identifying cases of violations and taking measures to eliminate them;
    • the editors draw up a conclusion on acceptance or rejection of the article, based on the opinion of reviewers;
    • the editors do not use an open review system; the editors ensure the anonymity of the personalities of reviewers
    • reviewers are required to inform the publisher of their conflicts of interest.
  • Ethical Rules for Authors

    • when sending a manuscript to the editorial board, the author signs the Offer agreement between the editorial board of the journal and the author 
    • by submitting an application for publication of an manuscript in the journal, the authors confirm that the publication is prepared in accordance with the Rules for Authors published on the journal website;
    • the authors must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation
    • the authors should understand that a manuscript can be rejected if the following facts are discovered: the paper is not in compliance with the Rules for Authors published on the journal website;
    • the author’s refusal to follow the recommendations of the editorial board to correct the flaws in the design of the manuscript; the manuscript contains plagiarism or false data; research results have already been published in another edition;
    • the authors are obliged to provide information on commercial organizations that supported the research or publication for publication in the journal, and on any other conflicts of interest that may affect the content of the manuscript;
    • if the copyright material was written together with the co-authors or the translation of the copyright material was made together with the co-authors, the responsible author guarantees that he informed the co-authors regarding the terms of the Agreement;
    • the authors have the right to appeal the editorial decision regarding publication.
  • Ethical Rules for Reviewers

    The peer review of articles should be carried out in accordance with the Review section published on the journal website. Peer reviewers are notified that the manuscripts are the intellectual property of the authors and relate to highly confidential information. The disclosure of confidential details of manuscript review violates the rights of the author.
    Peer reviewers respect the confidentiality of peer review and not reveal any details of a manuscript or its review, during or after the peer-review process, beyond those that are released by the journal.
    Violation of confidentiality is possible only in the case of a inaccuracy or falsification of materials statement.
    Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of manuscripts for own needs or use information obtained during the peer-review process for their own or any other person’s or organization’s advantage, or to disadvantage or discredit others.
    Reviewers should respond in a reasonable time-frame, especially if they cannot do the review, and without intentional delay; declare if they do not have the subject expertise required to carry out the review or if they are able to assess only part of the manuscript, outlining clearly the areas for which they have the relevant expertise; only agree to review a manuscript if they are fairly confident they can return a review within the proposed or mutually agreed time-frame, informing the journal promptly if they require an extension.
    Reviewers should be objective and constructive in their reviews, refraining from being hostile or inflammatory and from making libelous or derogatory personal comments.
    Reviewers should declare any potentially conflicting or competing interests (which may, for example, be personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political or religious), seeking advice from the journal if they are unsure whether something constitutes a relevant interest.

  • Conflicts of Interests Disclosure

    There must be clear definitions of conflicts of interest and processes for handling conflicts of interest of authors, reviewers, editors, journals and publishers, whether identified before or after publication.
    If at least one of the authors of the article has conflicts of interest, this is indicated when submitting the manuscript. To resolve any issues and complaints related to possible violations of the principles of editorial ethics, a commission is organised by the editorial board of the journal. The chairman and members of the commission are selected from among the members of the editorial board by voting. The commission handles complaints from authors, readers, and reviewers.


The journal "Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies" follows the Open Access Journals policy, providing access to articles published in the journal freely available to read, download and share (without registration).

The founder of the "Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies" journal partially pays for its publication. The author of the article pays the article open access fee, including its preparation for publication on the journal’s website, placement of the article on the website and in the indexing and reviewing systems, archives creation in order to increase publications reliability and accessibility.

The payment fee for the authors is 400 rubles per page.
The payment option can be activated in the Author PERSONAL ACCOUNT after receiving a notification of a positive decision of the editorial board.

Unpublished data obtained from submitted articles cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the Author.

Information or ideas obtained during the review and related to potential advantages should be kept confidential and not used for personal benefits.

Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts in case of conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative and other interactions and relations with any of the authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work.


The Editorial Board of the journal "Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies", while considering manuscripts for borrowings, checks the materials using the "Anti-plagiarism" system antiplagiat. The editors of the journal adhere to the ethics of scientific publications in accordance with the principles and requirements of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE COPE The recommended level of originality of the material presented is at least 70 %.


In the process of submitting a manuscript, the author must confirm that it was not published or accepted for publication in another scientific journal. When Referencing to an article published in the «Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies» journal, the publisher requires to place a link (full URL of the material) to the journal’s official website.

Articles submitted for publication must be previously unpublished and not under consideration for publication in other editions.

The manuscripts previously posted by authors on personal or public websites not related to other publishers are allowed for consideration.


Voronezh Institute of High Technologies - an autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education
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